Sunday, 4 December 2011

The Beautiful Mind Clark's nutcracker!

This is a master matematician of the avian world. An individual caches thousands of pine-cone seeds and, later, remembers the exact location of each buried seed. You can read a little more about it here and check out a lot of interesting scientific papers here, including Geometric rule learning by Clark's nutcrackers. I first heard...
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Amazing Birds Nest!

These beautiful nest photography was done by Sharon Beals, an amazing photographer and artist. In her very recent hardcover book 'Fifty. Fifteen stunning images of bird nests, the work of inspired This simple but beautiful nest, made by the California Towhee, Jump to No Nest‎: Hanging nests, particularly woven ones are perhaps the...
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World's Amazing Photos World's Amazing Stills Amazing New !

Plane Crash Breaths Through Coke Crocodile with a man Duck flies Good to See Heavy rainfall A lady in the rain Amazing Bird Amazing Jump Amazing Kiss The Amazing Plastic Still has the following features More information, with pictures, is on this site. World Amazing,Information - Find online,World Amazing,Photos, Amazing News,World...
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The Life of Birds!

Birds classified as Aves have been around since prehistoric times. It is believed that they evolved from dinosaurs. According to Wikipedia they are described as winged, two legged vertebrate animals that lay eggs. There are over 10,000 living species of birds that inhabit the globe. Birds are a vary diverse group with specimens that...
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The Amazing World of Gumball New Sneak Peek ! The Amazing World of Gumball (sometimes referred to simply as Gumball) is a British/American animated television series created by Ben Bocquelet. Find online World Amazing Photos, Amazing News, World Amazing Fictions, Amazing Reality Facts, Amazing Rumors, World Amazing Facts, Mike's Amazing World...
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Strange and Fantastic Buildings Architecture Cool Pictures!

The term Architecture can refer to a process, a profession or documentation. As a process, The term Architecture can refer to a process, a profession or documentation. As a process, architecture is the activity of designing, The following other wikis use this file: Usage on
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