Friday, 16 December 2011

World Exclusive Angry Birds!

Speaking of launching on Getjar, I had to know how they managed to get Angry Birds to launch exclusively on Getjar. Patrick told me that the founder of Getjar, Think you'll be heading to the Android Market to get your next fix of Rovio Mobile's insanely popular Angry Birds? Think again. Here's a first look at the hidden level for the...
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Exclusive Birds and Petshop!

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) is a freshwater bird locally known as Valikukulhu or Olhuvalu Kanbili , a duck-like bird in the Rallidae family is found almost exclusively within fresh water wetlands around well-vegetated marshes and ponds in Fuvahmulak. Common Moorhen is basically confined to Fuvahmulak, the atoll...
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Common Moorhen is a protected bird in the Maldives; hence, their capture, sale and captivity have been prohibited. However, there are no vital conservation measures taken to protect the nesting habitats of Common Moorhen. In order to flourish the Common Moorhen, the exclusive bird of Fuvahmulak, it is vital to protect the habitat...

Free desktop wallpaper for Windows and Mac!

A community effort to classify, rank, and distribute high-resolution images. Free desktop wallpaper images for your computer screen. Download free desktop images and wallpaper pictures for your computer screen. Free desktop downloads for your computer. Download a variety of beautifully designed desktop calendars and desktop wallpapers...
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Free Desktop Wallpaper Photos!

Desktop Wallpapers for you and whats more ? All are free wallpaper. Download them all absolutely free of cost. Free Desktop Wallpapers. Abstract Abstract Wallpapers· Animals Animals Wallpapers· Games Games Wallpapers. Xtremewalls is your source for free wallpapers, free desktop wallpapers and free mobile wallpapers form various categories...
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